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Darmasiswa Program collaboration with BPKLN Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Indonesia :


What ?

One year Scholarship program without degree for Foreigner students. To learn about bahasa Indonesia, arts, music, hand craft depend on the faculty that they choose. Especially in Sahid Institute of Tourism you will get an opportunity of studying "Indonesia Gastronomy".


Where ?

Managed by Ministry of Education and Foreign Ministry, and Provided by 45 universities around Indonesia. Including Sahid Institute of Tourism.


When ?

Annual Program, Usually starts on September – July. Began in 2009 with a total of more than 30 foreign students who have participated at Sahid Institute of Tourism.

To find your way to join as

"The Next Darmasiswa of Sahid Institute of Tourism", please visit : 


Who ?

For all foreign students in the countries around Indonesia, especially those who have diplomatic relation with Indonesia, now up to 75 countries around the world.


Why ?

To promote and attract the interest of foreign students toward Indonesian Language and Culture, also construct to strengthen the culture relation and understanding among participating countries.


Darmasiswa Scholarship Program

Sylvain Menard, Canada, Darmasiswa STP SAHID Batch III

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